We continue to publish the materials of the “Physiokey is not SCENAR” series. Fig. 1 shows the motherboard of the Physiokey device, and Fig. 2 shows the block of this motherboard which forms the treatment pulse.
Fig. 1
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We continue to publish the materials of the “Physiokey is not SCENAR” series. Fig. 1 shows the motherboard of the Physiokey device, and Fig. 2 shows the block of this motherboard which forms the treatment pulse.
Fig. 1
Sellers of Physiokey devices continue the illegal use of our reputation and SCENAR trademark to promote their products. (For example: http://www.scenar.de, https://scenar.ch/physiokey/ (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
Attention! The previous news message contained a typo. We apologize and publish the corrected version.
The manufacturers of Physiokey devices have stated that these devices can be used for performing techniques of SCENAR therapy. However, to do so, Physiokey devices should have characteristics similar to SCENAR devices.
Fig.1 Treatment energy and receptive structures
Dear customers!
Time after time there are statements in the Internet about creation of new devices that are technically similar to SCENAR or even superior. Usually the developers of such devices do not have their own clinical database. In order to prove efficiency and safety of their products they use clinical data that were obtained… during studies of SCENAR device.
Such approach is legitimate only when developed products really have the same characteristics as SCENAR.
Unfortunately, the real customer has no opportunity to check if it is true. Such check can be made only by the SCENAR device manufacturer that has respective quality acceptance tests, necessary equipment, and qualified staff.
We have to perform such checking from time to time. There was not a single case when “analog” turned out to have all the necessary characteristics. But that means that using clinical data to prove clinical efficiency of such “analogs” is inappropriate and is a fraud.
The only way to avoid becoming a victim of such fraud is to use SCENAR devices produced by RITM OKB ZAO or under its license.
Regarding all products that state themselves to be “like SCENAR or even better”, we strongly recommend you do demand from their manufacturer clinical data that were obtained using the device they produce and advertise, but not SCENAR.
Testing results of another such “analog” can be found here
Best regards,
Yury Starovoytov
General Director of RITM OKB ZAO
The stimulus shape of PhysioKey device significantly differs from the stimulus shape of SCENAR. Therefore direct use of Physiokey to perform SCENAR therapy treatment techniques is not correct.
At first glance, the pulse shapes of PhysioKey and SCENAR are looking very similar. However, after careful analysis we can see significant differences, which definitely show that PhysioKey is absolutely not SCENAR.
Moreover, it is clearly visible both with and without the electrode-skin contact.
Let’s look at these two GIF’s showing how the pulse shape changes when we change PhysioKey’s energy from 56 to 99 (which corresponds to 100 to 250 for SCENAR)