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History of SCENAR

SCENAR (or, more precisely, its prototype) was created in OKB in the late 1970s. The first devices were called ENS-01 (EnergoNeuroadaptive Stimulator, first model). In terms of beta-testing, ENS-01 devices were used by the medical doctors in Taganrog, Krasnodar, and Sochi. The feedback was different but that was the first time when particular outcomes which were not expected by medical doctors were received (today we call them SCENAR effects). The device was improved and upgraded by the combined effort of medical doctors and engineers of RITM OKB (A. Karasyov, A. Revenko, S. Sliva, Y. Gorfinkel, A. Kyberev, V. Zakharevich). A special part in the expertise was taken by Alexander Nechushkin, Head of Laboratory of Bioenergetics and Reflexotherapy at Central Institute of Traumatology and Ortopaedics (Moscow), former President of USSR Association of Reflexotherapists, later on Director of Institute of Reflexotherapy and one of the experts of Comission of Ministry of Health of the USSR (Russian Federation); Arseny Medelyanovskiy, Head of Laboratory of Systemic Homeostasis at Institute of Normal Physiology anmed after P.K. Antokhin, expert of the Comission of Ministry of Health of the USSR (Russian Federation), medical supply expert of the Army Forces.

In 1986 first SCENAR devices were presented to the Ministry of Health of the USSR. The first certificate of authorship of “Electrostimulator” was received in 1987 (V. Zakharevich, A. Hechushkin, A. Karasyov, A. Revenko, A. Kibyrev), second – “Electrostimulation device” – in 1989 (A. Karasyov, V. Zakharevich, A. Revenko, A. Kibyrev, A. Dygai).

The SCENAR test results were fairly impressive. Successful treatment experience attracted a lot of enthusiasts and followers of this method of treatment both among patients and medical professionals. This treatment method even received its own name – SCENAR therapy. In late 1980s SCENAR therapy received its first active followers among medical professionals in different areas: Y. Gorfinkel, P. Kruglov, L. Pak, S. Pobokin, A. Dogadkin, V. Leontyev, S. Nikolayev, S. Posvezhinsky. Their observations received on practice strengthen the assurance in the chosen direction.

In 1989 RITM OKB registers a trademark “SCENAR”. Research and development are oriented on the serial production. SCENAR-033, SCENAR-033M, and other device models were created. In the early 1990s, the serial production of SCENAR-035-1 and SCENAR-035-3 devices was finally launched.

Since that time RITM OKB ZAO keeps developing and upgrading SCENAR devices. Several SCENAR generations changed one another. See the chronology of SCENARs represented below.


SCENAR’s success resulted in many imitations – devices with similar characteristics manufactured by other companies occurred later on. However, the priority and leading positions in developing of SCENAR device and advanced development are still held by RITM OKB ZAO.

Who was actually the first?

Recently a lot of false information about who created SCENAR and where it was created appeared on the Internet. Numerous authors of the publications, claiming on the priority in SCENAR development do not trouble themselves neither with publishing documents which could prove their claims, nor with corresponding to the real facts of the past.

In contrast, everything that we say can be confirmed by documents, which are kept in RITM OKB ZAO, and by numerous witnesses.

The first certificate of authorship № 1817335 for “Electrical stimulator” on request № 4171898 with priority on January 4, 1987 was acquired by the V.D. Kalmykov Taganrog radioengineering institute on October 11, 1992 (see photo 1). The authors are Vladislav Zakharevich, Alexander Nechushkin, Alexander Karasev, Alexander Revenko and Alexander Kibirev. On April 23, 1993 the certificate, issued in the USSR has expired. Instead Patent № 1817335 appeared on the same day (it must be noted that it is a patent now, not a certificate of authorship, photo 2), issued by Rospatent. The patent was published on August 27, 1995. Before that day it was marked as “for official purposes”. The patenting (filling of application for an invention) was conducted by the institute because RITM OKB did not have such specialists on the staff (at that time we were called RITM OKB under the V.D. Kalmykov Taganrog radioengineering institute). Each of the five authors had 20% without any priority.

On December 12, 1986, an agreement № 142254 was completed with a company G-4897 (see photo 3) to commercialize the devices. That was the time when the word “SCENAR” appeared in documentation issued by RITM OKB. By the end of 1987 development of experimental models SCENAR-033, SCENAR-032, SCENAR-031 was finished at OKB (see photos 4,5). For your reference: SCENAR-031 was sent to the Ministry of Health for testing and after its completion the same device got the name SCENAR-035 as SCENAR-033 and SCENAR-032 had already been tested at the Ministry of Health. The first testing of ENS 03 devices were held at the N.N. Priorov Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics (CITO) and at the P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology in 1986 and affirmed by Shapochnikov Y.G. and Sudakov K.V, directors of CITO and research institute. Both of them are world-famous scientists.

The first device in the SCENAR family that passed all technical and clinical testing and was approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR in 1990 was SCENAR-033 (photo 6).

Thus, the first certificate of authorship, the first patent, the first testing of the devices at the leading research institutes of the USSR, the first approval from the Ministry of Health of the USSR was received by us.

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