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What is SCENAR


SCENAR - an abbreviation of the full name of a medical devices class. It is short for a self-controlled energyneuroadaptive regulator. Or, briefly, energyneurostimulator.

SCENAR devices have an advantage over the standard electrostimulators which use a permanent electrical impulse. So the body habituates to it quickly and ceases responding. When you take an ice cube, you first feel cold, and then the feeling gets much weaker. In the same way the body responds to a permanent electrical impulse. Engineers of RITM OKB ZAO decided to substantially increase the efficiency of our devices. So they made the device impulse alternate and neural, i.e. very similar to the pulses transmitted by the human nervous system.

The effect surpassed all expectations! The test results were so unexpected and effective, that a lot of enthusiasts and followers appeared both among medical professionals and patients. SCENAR therapy became a new trend in medicine. It has aroused heightened interest in the West. As a result this type of device has been licensed and certified in many countries. Now SCENAR is recognized and became widely used by medical professionals all over the world.

However, in order to achieve high performance in the treatment of acute and chronic pain-related conditions with help of SCENAR, it is recommended to receive relevant training.

SCENAR treatment range

In the Russian Federation SCENAR is registered and clinically proved its efficiency in treatment of various disorders. However, in the most other counrties it is certified by regulatory authorities as a device for pain relief.


SCENAR devices are indicated to be used in professional medicine and at home in the following cases:

  • to analgesic therapies in pains in bones, muscles, joints and ligaments;
  • to manage acute and chronic back pain;
  • to treat primary dysmenorrhea;
  • for procedural pain management after timed endometrial biopsy;
  • to alleviate attacks and for course treatment of trigeminal neuralgia;
  • to relieve pain in diabetic neuropathy (diabetic foot);
  • to relieve pain in postherpetic neuralgia concurrently with antiviral drug therapy;
  • for pain relief in chronic/recurrent headaches and tension-related headaches.

Only in professional medicine SCENAR devices are indicated to be used:

  • For postoperative analgesia:
  1. in traumatology and orthopedics after surgical treatment of ankle fracture, femur fracture including hip replacement with an implant, knee replacement with an implant, after shoulder surgery;
  2. after abdominal surgeries in inguinal hernia and laparoscopic cholecystectomy;
  3. in urology after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.
  •  In dentistry in comprehensive treatment of traumatic fractures of the mandible to provide analgesia, to alleviate symptoms and reduce treatment duration.
  • To manage acute pelvic pain in women.
  • To manage acute pain in renal colic.
  • To relieve pain after cesarean section and after hysterectomy.

RITM OKB ZAO developed special techniques to achieve better results of treatment using SCENAR along with other products of our company. For example, experienced SCENAR therapists prefer to combine SCENAR treatment sessions with the use of ULM healing blanket.


